Reference to generic terms such as " specialist
qualifications; teaching at universities or in training schools; attendance of master's degrees or specialization or specialization courses in the legal field; holding lectures at legal conferences; legal publications; achievement of the required training credits; positions in official Notary bodies; participation in non-profit associative bodies (relating to notarial activity, in light of the provisions of the regulation for the reform of professional systems). Furthermore, informative advertising relating to: availability of work on certain days and hours, in the study and in the secondary office; organizational structure of the firm; location and method of access to the studio; knowledge of certain foreignlanguages by the notary or study staff. The regulation for the reform Buy Bulk SMS Service of professional systems provides that informative advertising may have as its object specializations , qualifications held, the structure of the professional firm and the fees requested for services. All elements of an objective nature relating to the preparation and competence of the notary and to the structure of his organization, because any reference to different elements has in itself a component that cannot be evaluated in objective terms and often refers to a mode of emotional information .in ..." is not permitted precisely because it cannot be objectively verified. The
names of your clients cannot be indicated even if they allow you to do so, nor the names of professionals and third parties not organically connected to the notary firm. The information regarding the compensation and the overall costs of the service must meet the criteria of transparency and truthfulness, analytically specifying expenses, advances, taxes and compensation. The promotion of free or low-cost services is not permitted The prohibition on the promotion of free or low-cost services on the website does not concern the first conversation with the customer aimed at framing the specific nature of the deed or deeds to be stipulated.