Lázaro Cárdenas and his commitment to the Second Spanish Republic
The Spanish republicans were always grateful to Mexico and to Lázaro Cárdenas a president who knew how to understand what was happening in the Spain of the Second Republic. President Cárdenas saw how war had broken out in Spain after a failed coup attempt. In those tragic moments his main thought was for childhood and he made an offer to the President of the Second Spanish Republic: “Bring the children here.” Azaña thanked him for such a noble gesture. The Cárdenas government was faithful to the Second Spanish Republic and demonstrated it at all times. As the war in Spain progressed the Cárdenas government opened the doors of Mexico ; and women and men embraced the land that welcomed them.Lázaro Cárdenas well knew the value of the Second Spanish Republic in confronting the caciquism that prevented the popular classes from living with dignity. He also had to do it to wrest Mexico from the clutches of those who had squeezed its natural resources for so long. In the summer of Spain was already facing the fascist barbarism that was sweeping the European continent. The “Non-interference” agreement of the European UAE Phone Number countries left her alone in the face of the danger that loomed over humanity: first Spain then Europe and later the rest of the continents. President Azaña raised his hurt voice before the League of Nations hoping for a response that would put an end to what was happening in our country but this showed its ineffectiveness: like the governor of Judea Pontius Pilatos before the trial of Jesus the international organization citing the Non-Intervention Treaty washed its hands.
Disappointment helplessness anger. What did President Azaña feel that July when he gave his speech about what happened at the League of Nations at the University of Valencia?: The Republic went to the League of Nations but it did not go to ask nor did it have to that the League of Nations solve the problem which is within its pure and strict jurisdiction and more easily mastered by it. We went to the League of Nations hoping that this Assembly of law and guardian of the rights of the peoples gathered there would find out that a member State of the League of Nations was invaded by other States two of which at least are also members of the League of Nations.